Transmission of Sound by Liquids
   The apparatus on this page is used to show that sound may be transmitted through liquids. The box, open at one end, is the same as the resonator normally used with tuning forks; its interior length is just a little less than one quarter of the wavelength of the sound produced by the tuning fork.

   The receptacle at the top is filled with water, and the handle of the struck tuning fork is lowered into the water. The handle undergoes lengthwise simple harmonic motion, and its end transmits a compression wave through the water to the top of the box. The energy from the tuning fork thus sets up a standing wave in the resonator. If the tuning fork is withdrawn from the water, the sound coming from the resonator dies away slowly.

   The Mississippi apparatus is by Lerebours et Secretan of Paris, and the Colby apparatus by Rudolph Koenig of Paris.


                                                                                                                                 Miami University
                                                    Top: Colby College     Bottom: University of Mississippi

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